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Books & Entertainment

Haven Hill: Chapter 6

As it becomes undeniable that there is danger awaiting them on the trail, Kate has to make a rapid decision ...

FoodPrepping & Survival

Would Prepping by Recipe Work for You?

Prepping by recipe can help you create delicious, familiar favorites from the items you've stored in your pantry.

Books & Entertainment

Reviewing a COMPLETELY Different Book for Preppers

Are you looking for a preparedness book that is truly different from the ones on your ...

Health & Mindset

Why I’m NOT Starting Seeds This Year

Sometimes we have to make changes to the way we prepare for the sake of our ...

Self-Reliance & Skills

Planned Obsolescence and Prepping

One thing that makes prepping for the long term harder is the marketing strategy of planned ...

Books & Entertainment

Dear Diary, It’s Me, Jessica: Chapter 6 (Book 2)

Things begin to settle into a "new normal" in Jessica's community as trade agreements are made ...

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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